
I am an emeritus professor of Religious Studies at Regis University (Denver) where I taught for 30 years. I have occasionally been a public voice in local media.  For more than 20 years I edited a small bi-monthly magazine called Leaven, An Independent Catholic Voice in the Rocky Mountain Region. I also wrote regularly for a now discontinued Denver Post religion blog Hark  and have posted several articles on the Denver Post‘s “news/religion” page.

I try to articulate “progressive- conservative” positions on religious and political issues.  Said differently, I seek to articulate both-and rather than either-or responses to contemporary concerns.  Yet I am pretty much of the left (someplace) in many such concerns, both religious and political.

My latest book is  Building the Human City: William F. Lynch’s Ignatian Spirituality for Public Life (Pickwick Books, Wipf and Stock, 2016).  Some more recent posts will explore the significance of Lynch’s ideas (he wrote during “the 60s”) for contemporary concerns. These are identified after their titles as “Lynch # 1 (or # 2…).